2011年11月17日 星期四


每天的工作,把這個行將四十的肉身不斷勞累著, 每天都不自覺地飲用各種飲料去減輕身體的疲倦, ,重新去審視觀察這個習以為常的行為之下, 發現身體每次消化完飲料之後…就有一枝又一枝掏空了的膠樽及玻璃樽, 它們的功能彷彿是紀錄了飲料在流逝的過程中…。
站在四十歲的關口前, 我決定來一個事業的大轉變, 到了明年的夏天, 這個吞嚥的過程, 已可能不單是為了支撐工作中勞累的身體, 而是見證因追求藝術而在求存生活中所產生的不安與掙扎。
手中空空的膠樽或啤酒樽,令我想起過去39年來肉體盛所載過的回憶, 有人說: 「時間是沙, 回憶是水」, 那麼, 這些飲料水的回憶已一一流過我的身體了。
39個樽, 不是39件故事, 而是40年的回憶。


Memories is soft drinks

The work of each day toils the corporeal body which is turning 40. The unconscious intake of beverages of each day can ease body exhaustion. By reexamining the accustomed behavior, one discovers, the body, after every digestion of beverages and empties bottles after bottles,  functions to record the slipping away of beverages.

On the verge of my 40th year of existence, I decided to have a drastic career change. In the coming summer, the process of ingestion could be more than mere subsistence of the drudged body, but a witness to the striving of artistic living amidst disturbed restlessness.

The empty plastic bottles and beer bottles in my hands reminded me of the memories, held by the corporeal body, for the past 39 years. Someone once said, “Time is sand and memory is water”. In that sense, all memories flowed through my body indeed.

39 bottles, then, are not 39 stories, but remembrance of 40 years.

By Lai Chun Ling, Dick (November 2011)

