2012年3月13日 星期二

The Backyard: Artist Collaboration Project | 後院:藝術家合作計劃

/側畫廊呈獻: <後院: 藝術家合作計劃> 李漢凌, 郝立仁
正側畫廊誠意邀請閣下出席我們的第4次展覽: <後院: 藝術家合作計劃>, 及錄像放映會。 24/03/2012, 星期六 7:15pm於正/側畫廊開始。
請與我們一起在悠閒的傍晚時份,齊欣賞藝術家們的最新創作, 並享用特別為您而設的精美茶點!

有關<後院: 藝術家合作計劃>

後院是一個隱密的個人空間。 它可以隱喻為人們現實生活背後的思想世界; 它是內在的,並不是對外的。 李氏與郝氏兩位新進藝術家各自有著不同的生活方式, 信仰, 態度和經歷。 是次乃他們的首次合作。從旁觀者的角度, 透過影像和創作從那些表象的日常生活, 深入探索藝術家各自內在不同層次的意識和思維。在兩段不同的歷程之中, 某些聲音卻是互相回響。
 影片沒有套入任何一種形式或類別當中, 藝術家只想利用影像去記錄, 去尋找, 去觀察, 去思考, 又或許只是純粹地去訴說; 然而是次合作計劃也可看成一連串的自我發現, 同時也希望觀眾在欣賞作品之外更可廷伸閱讀到藝術家的靈魂。

郝立仁, 基督徒
愛四處遊歷, 探索別緻的景致, 事物和痕跡

李漢凌畢業於澳洲墨爾本理工大學(香港藝術學院合辨), 主修繪畫。李氏是一位認真的新進藝術家。畢業後他致力籌備和參與各類形不同的展覽和活動, : <在他們的洞穴- 一個有關繪畫的展覽>, <在他們與它們彼此之間>, <從觀看到閱讀> <回憶是飲料>。在2011年李氏加入了正/側畫廊成為策展團隊之一。

Front/ Side Gallery presents: <Backyard: Artist Collaboration Project>
Ramon Li, Benjamin Hao

Front/ Side Gallery sincerely invites you to our 4th exhibition: <Backyard: Artist Collaboration Project>, and video screening. 24/03/2012, Saturday 7:15pm at Front/ Side Gallery. Let's come to appreciate the Artists's lastest Artworks, and to enjoy the refreshment that we have prepared for you and have an relaxing evening. Please come and join us!

About <Backyard: Artist Cooperation Project>
Backyard is a private space. It can be personified as the internal world of our real life. Young artists Ramon and Benjamin have different life-style, religions, attitudes and experiences. This is their first joint project. They try to explore their internal conscious and thoughts through images and creations from the third party's prospective and there are some echos in these two different aspect.
And the artists don't want to define the video as any art form, they just want to use video as a way to record, seek, observe, think or simply to say something. On the other hand it can also be treated as a self-discovery, at the same time they also wish the audiences can discover the artists' soul behind the artworks.

About the Artists:

Hao Lap Yan Benjamin, Christian
Bachelor of Art (fine art painting) Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 2008~2010
Love to explore and seek for some interesting scenery, objects and marks.
Love nature.
Love to play.
Love sports.

Li Hon Ling, Ramon graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (Co-presented with Hong Kong Art School). Having majored in painting, Li is a young and sincere artist. Since graduating he has never stopped preparing and takes part in different kinds of exhibitions and projects, such as “In Their Caves - An Exhibition about Painting”, “In Between One and Others”, “From Seeing to Reading” and “Memory is Soft Drinks”. In 2011, he joined Front/Side Gallery as the member of curatorial team at the JCCAC.

