今次的創作源於我對地圖的迷戀,由收集一些地鐵站的地圖開始,再於不同形狀及大小的畫布上繪畫。我好像一個製地圖者一樣需要作出選擇,選擇需要繪畫什麼, 或放棄繪畫什麼,有時也需要倚靠一些想像力。當地圖最後完成,使用地圖的人亦會加上自己的幻想,想著自己的去向,再與現實比對。
地圖事實上是超越平面和立體的, 在另外一個層面上,製圖者與看圖者會在平行宇宙的某個地方相遇。因此作品中那個已經不是一個普通的地鐵站,地鐵站的入口就是進入那時空的入口,你和我也曾經在那點相遇, 我們一起完成這張地圖。
Artist Statement
Map always depicts a territory, a known or unknown territory. In ancient time, mapmakers needed not go to travel to create a map, in fact, a map might be produced according to navigators' descriptions or stories.
Map always makes us fantasize about. It can bring us to a land which is full of fantasy and hope.
This series of artworks are originated from my obsession with maps, starting with map collection in MTR stations, then painting on canvases with different sizes and shapes. I become a map maker who needs to make choices, to select what to be drawn or not. Sometimes it also relies on my imagination. After the map is completed, the map viewer will also add his imagination, think about his whereabouts and then compare it with the reality.
Map is in fact beyond plane and three-dimension. Rather, the map maker and viewer will encounter somewhere in a parallel universe. In consequence, the MTR station is no longer the ordinary subway station, instead, it is the entrance to that space and time, you and me once meet there, and finish that piece of map together.